Secret system leaked: 

how to make 100K+ coins with 25 minutes a day!

Bought FIFA Points for €100 and got only 140K...

My friends and I swore many years ago to never spend any money on FIFA packs ever again. We looked for an alternative and contacted Top 100 Traders. We even offered them money to tell us their secrets. All of them refused, because otherwise all FIFA players would copy it. But one of them was willing to reveal the secret for €500.

At first we were skeptical and hoped he wouldn't scam us, then we said fuck it: We couldn't be scammed any harder than by buying FIFA Points from EA. But we were amazed: It was really unbelievable what kind of system the rich FIFA players use and how simple it is.

We had to laugh when we saw that in only 25 minutes he easily made the same amount of coins that we had just paid €100 for on FIFA Points. Even though we had literally 0 experience, we were able to apply and copy the system immediately. After only 9 days, we had already made 1 million coins profit and that with only a maximum of 30 minutes effort per day.

After these giant profits in an insanely short time, my friends and I called this system: "The Chilled Coins System".

Now we have developed an app based on this secret TOP 100 system. Soon you can also benefit from this unique system no matter how many coins you have.

Sign up now without any obligations to receive an email as soon as we begin printing coins.